Product & Services

Callegari CR3000
The CR3000 provides users with improved patient management and care via rapid primary screening of lipids, HbA1c, glucose, hemoglobin, uric acid, antioxidants and other assays. Testing is performed on tiny whole blood samples.

Oncovision is a leading provider of innovative medical imaging devices used by surgeons, radiologists, oncologists and nuclear physicians for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Sold in over 60 countries through competent service and distribution partners, and more than 8,000 customers from hospitals and practices, industry and science have placed their trust over the course of many decades.

MKW Laser System
Since 1986, MKW has been specialized in low-level laser systems for biostimulation.
The company is one of the leading providers in Europe.

Implementing traditional medical science with the latest laser technology to meet people’s living standard improvement

NADH is the biological form of hydrogen, which produces energy with the oxygen in the cell.