Prof. George Birkmayer

NADH merupakan zat biologis alami yang juga dikenal sebagai Koenzim 1.
NADH merupakan bentuk koenzim dari vitamin B3 dan tenaga penggerak untuk produksi energi dalam setiap sel yang hidup.
Formulasi paten dari pastiles isap PROF. BIRKMAYER NADH RAPID ENERGY mengandung NADH yang distabilkan yang diserap dengan cepat secara sublingual.
Konsumen akan mengalami peningkatan energi fisik dan mental dalam waktu 20 menit karena NADH akan meningkatkan produksi ATP (Adenosin-Tri-Phosphat) zat biologis, bentuk kimia yang disimpan dari energi dalam setiap sel.
Semakin banyak NADH dalam sel tubuh, semakin baik sel tubuh berfungsi berkat peningkatan produksi ATP.
Bagaimana NADH RAPID ENERGY dikembangkan
Efek dari NADH (Koenzim 1) pada organisma manusia ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya oleh ilmuwan Austria, Prof. Dr. Dr. Birkmayer.
Ia berhasil menstabilkan NADH, bentuk biologis dari hidrogen, mengubahnya ke dalam bentuk tablet dan dengan demikian membuatnya dapat diserap oleh tubuh.
Untuk bentuk dari NADH yang dapat diserap dengan stabil ini, Prof. Dr. Dr. Birkmayer menerima banyak paten.
Formulasi ini saat ini tersedia untuk konsumen dalam bentuk Pastiles Isap NADH RAPID ENERGY.
Kapan direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan NADH RAPID ENERGY?
Sebagai suplemen nutrisi, CellergieⓇ NADH DIRECT memenuhi kebutuhan energi tubuh dan mengisi kembali penyimpanan energi organisma.
Ini merupakan tablet pembangkit energi untuk orang yang memiliki gaya hidup yang memerlukan lebih banyak energi secara instan. Orang yang mengkonsumsi CellergieⓇ NADH DIRECT akan mengalami peningkatan kewaspadaan, konsentrasi, level energi lebih tinggi secara keseluruhan.
NADH RAPID ENERGY dapat terbukti secara ilmiah untuk:
- meningkatkan energi ATP pada organisma dengan cepat
- meningkatkan suplai oksigen dalam sel
- meningkatkan kinerja fisik dan mental
- meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan konsentrasi
- mengurangi lesu dan kantuk
- menghilangkan efek akibat kurang tidur dan jet lag
NADH Extends Telomere Length – True Longevity Product – 64 Year Old Has Telomere Length of 33 Year Old After 11 years of taking NADH.
Within the last five years, there have been several studies by major universities documenting that an increase in the NAD+/NADH ratio results in statistically significant increases in Lifespan and health-span in laboratory animals. Equally as exciting, this same increase in the NAD+/NADH ratio has also been shown to increase individual human cell Lifespan in vitro.
Recent Telomere Testing at Spectracell Labs Confirms Telomere Growth
NADH, the only patented stabilised, food grade NADH product available has been tracking a few of its customers for the past 11 years who have been religiously taking NADH tablets. All customers are in good health and have maintained a lifestyle of healthy foods and exercise. Enada recently tested the blood samples of a still employed 63 year old male and a 64 year old female to determine if Enada NADH did, in real time, have anti-aging properties as outlined in their US Patent Application # 20040126751 of July 1st, 2004 Method Of Prolonging The Life-Span of Living Cells Using NADH, NADPH and ADP-ribose.
In addition NADH has the ability to repair DNA damage which was reported in the Journal of Tumor Marker Oncology Volume 13,Number 4, Winter 1998 after a study was carried out at the Department of Oncology, Zhujiang, Guangzhou, China
As NADH is shown to repair DNA damage and a telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration it would be understandable to think that NADH preserves the telomeres, to confirm this Birkmayer NADH in USA carried out telomere length testing.
Both customers had been taking NADH since 2003 then aged 52 and 53. The male had been taking the 10mg lozenges and the female the 5mg tablets every morning.
Blood samples were sent to Spectracell labs in Texas for Telomere length testing. Those reports were received on the 14th May 2014 with impressive results.
The 64 year old female had a telomere length score of 7.94 or that of an equivalent length equal to a 33 year old as defined by Spectracell Labs database.
Whereas the 63 year old male had a telomere length score of 6.88 or that equal to a 55 year old person as defined by Spectracell Labs database.
These are impressive results and NADH will continue to provide to its consumers a quality and proven product to assist in longevity.
To maintain good health and to prolong life the following needs to be done:
– a healthy diet
– correction of micronutrients in the body
– a lifestyle of some consistent exercise and – a decrease in oxidative stress